
Aritu ada tgk WHI pasal hypnobirthing.. bersalin secara alami.. semulajadi.. without drug, doctor or whatsoever... im so excited pasal hypnobirthing ni dan rasa mcm every women should know bout it and they actually have another option than ceaser!

banyak advantages hypnobirthing ni mcm:

  • Teaches deep levels of relaxation to eliminate the Fear-Tension-Pain Syndrome before, during and after birthing.
  • Greatly reduces and often eliminates the need for chemical painkillers or drugs.
  • Shortens the first phase of labor.
  • Eliminates fatigue during labor, leaving mother alert, fresh, awake, and with energy for actual birthing.
  • Eliminates risk or hyperventilation from “shallow” breathing methods, and helps keep oxygen supplied to baby during birthing.
  • Reduces the need for an episiotomy.
  • Teaches breathing techniques that allow a woman to gently breathe her baby into the world without the violence of hard, physical pushing.
  • Empowers parents with techniques to achieve a gentle, calm birth for themselves and their baby.
  • Embraces the concept of pre-birth parenting.
  • Gives the birthing companion an integral role in the birthing.
  • Promotes special bonding of mother, baby, and birthing companion.
  • Fosters more rapid postnatal recovery.
  • Returns birthing to the beautiful, peaceful experience nature intended. 
more info ada di sini ..

Pregnant women, free yourself from maternity pain!

sms2 suami?

arini dgr hot fm psl isu dear farah yang kalo tak silap aku, suami ni terlebih ramah..ada kawan ramai di facebook, bila isteri tegur, jawapannya dia ada hak dan ada quota 4...tapi itu bukan isu aku.. isu aku bila sorang pompuan call ckp dia suka bersms dgn laki dia..sbb dia ckp itu yang laki dia suka. Iye, kalo laki kau balas, tentu kau rasa suka... tapi apa perasaannya kalo kau sms "dah makan?" whatsoever tapi laki kau tak pernah balas? tapi kalo sms psl keja, pasal yg tak melibatkan feeling2, then baru laki kau balas.

Oh, ok, itu bukan masalah perempuan itu..tapi itu la.. lain perempuan..lain cara membelai dan memujuknya...

Ceh...masalah rumahtangga ni bukannya semua orang sama jalan penyelesaiannya..

Someone like you...

"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead" - Adele (Someone like you)